The Orda Blog

All things about digital ordering and restaurant marketing.

Your quick guide to setting up your apple and google developer accounts
Apple Google

Your quick guide to setting up your apple and google developer accounts

It can be stressful trying to set up your own developer account. Usually, you need the code signing certificate. Then you have to make sure all of the profiles are linked.

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Why restaurant app builders are so popular this year
Restaurant app builder Mobile App Development

Why restaurant app builders are so popular this year

Need a way to attract customers and boost sales, but you're not sure where to start? Restaurant app builder software can provide your business with a mobile application

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The best loyalty program ideas for your restaurant
Customer Loyalty Program Software

The best loyalty program ideas for your restaurant

A restaurant loyalty program is a cornerstone for any successful business and it can be instrumental in making your customers feel special and appreciated.

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Give convenience to your customer with a juice bar ordering app
Juice bar App builder

Give convenience to your customer with a juice bar ordering app

Placing orders in the traditional manner is now out of date. You can no longer accept orders just by asking customers to write them down.

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Comparisons:Best loyalty program for your mobile app
Loyalty Loyalty Programs

Comparisons:Best loyalty program for your mobile app

Loyalty programs are great for businesses to incentivize their customers. And several loyalty programs are available in the market for both online and mobile applications.

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Best eCommerce platforms for your retail store
Ecommerce Platforms

Best eCommerce platforms for your retail store

What are the best ecommerce platforms for your next ecommerce website, and at what cost? Since the early 2000s huge advancements have been made in online retail.

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Increase loyalty in your coffee shop
LoyaltyCoffee Shops

Increase loyalty in your coffee shop

If you want to increase sales and make your coffee business stand out and make your business more profitable, then use our Orda dashboard promote tools.

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Proven ways to BOOST LOYALTY in your restaurant or coffee shop
Loyalty Increase Loyalty in Restaurants

Proven ways to BOOST LOYALTY in your restaurant or coffee shop

What restaurant owners and coffee shop owners want more than anything is repeat customers. But, current customers will only come back so many times if you reward them for their loyalty

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